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We’re leading an all-out national mobilization to defeat the climate crisis.

Join our work today to help us build a thriving and just clean energy future. 

New Modeling Shows How Bad Project 2025 Would Be Compared to a Clean Energy Future

See exactly how much better our future can be if we continue on a path of climate leadership, as outlined in the Evergreen Action Plan 2.0

Vice President Harris, representing a clean energy future, and Former President Trump, representing a climate disaster.
© 2024 Andrew Hartnett/Evergreen Action

Let’s start by saying the quiet part out loud: Project 2025 is a MAGA billionaire power grab disguised as policy. New modeling reveals it would cost the economy billions, jack up household bills, and poison our communities, all while robbing us of a livable climate future. 

The damage it could inflict, if fully implemented, is staggering. So much so that Donald Trump has been unconvincingly publicly distancing himself from it. But it’s clear this 900+ page plan penned by Trump staffers is for the same man who shamelessly demanded a $1 billion bribe from the fossil fuel industry in exchange for our planet's future. And it's a threat we cannot take lightly. 

But this moment isn’t just about stopping bad things, and fear alone won’t save us. It’s about creating a future worth fighting for. We have the ambitious, actionable plan that will get us there—and now, the numbers to show just how much better that future will be. 

Our plan, the Evergreen Action Plan (EAP) 2.0, builds on the success of our original EAP, the climate agenda that helped the Biden-Harris ticket beat Donald Trump in 2020 and drive the administration to do more on climate than any before it. Our latest roadmap, built in collaboration with climate, environmental justice, and labor partners, outlines the ongoing work needed to continue delivering on climate, jobs, and justice for all Americans. 

We’ve known for a while that Project 2025 is bad, but exactly how bad has been a bit of a mystery.

© 2024 Andrew Hartnett/Evergreen Action

First-of-its-kind modeling from the nonpartisan group Energy Innovation gives us the answer by plotting exactly what it would mean for climate, health, jobs, and household energy costs if Trump enacted the climate and energy policies of Project 2025. Then, the projections contrast those outcomes with a path of continued climate leadership, as outlined in the EAP 2.0. 

Together, it paints a stark picture of two potential futures: one, where polluters run the show, lives are needlessly lost, expensive energy costs are a given, and children are chronically sick—and another, where clean energy is abundant, communities breathe cleaner air, workers have sustainable, good-paying jobs, and families are healthier and safer. 

It’s a no-brainer, and yet, it’s all on the line this November. 

What Would Project 2025 Look Like If Fully Implemented?

In a word, bad. In two, very bad. 

Right now, we have a chance at meeting critical climate goals, like cutting climate pollution by 50 percent by 2030, thanks in large part to the climate leadership of the Biden-Harris administration. By voting wisely this November and continuing to push for bold climate action, Energy Innovation’s modeling shows us that we can boost our economy by $450 billion annually by 2030, create 2.2 million jobs, save households $7.7 billion on energy costs, prevent 3,900 premature deaths from air pollution, cut greenhouse gas pollution enough by 2030 to hit net zero in 2050. This hopeful pathway allows us to go further than the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), and CHIPS and Science Act could have taken us alone. 

Project 2025 plans to not only throw all of this progress away and sabotage our future, but drag us decades backward. It’s an all-out assault on science, human rights, and civil liberties and it would bring economic progress to a screeching halt, too. Simply put, Project 2025 would put our 2030 and 2050 climate targets out of reach by tethering us to an antiquated fossil economy dominated by right-wing zealots and corrupt billionaires.

Line chart: greenhouse gas emissions will decrease with continued climate leadership and stay high with Project 2025.

Modeling shows that Project 2025 plans would sabotage our future. But if we continue to push for bold climate action, we can reach net zero in 2050. Source: Energy Innovation's Energy Policy Simulator

Project 2025 Would Impact Every Aspect of Our Lives

If Trump and Vance got their way, Project 2025 extremists would dismantle clean energy programs, jeopardizing global climate and economic leadership under the Paris Climate Agreement. So, bid farewell to the manufacturing renaissance that is growing the middle class and giving us clean cars, healthier and safer homes, and more clean energy on the grid. 

They would reverse clean air and water laws our movement fought hard for, like the first-ever carbon pollution standards for power plants and California’s vehicle emissions waiver. And they would drastically cut funding and eliminate crucial offices that keep our country running and communities safe, like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Domestic Climate Policy, Office of Energy Efficiency, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 

Project 2025 would hit on every aspect of Americans’ lives, visible and invisible, by dismantling agencies designed to protect our rights and undermining the policies they advance. We owe much of our progress so far to agencies, like EPA, and their dedicated staff, who work to inform the public, protect our health, and hold polluters accountable. So, it is bleak, yet unsurprising, that a Project 2025 future translates to higher rates of cancer and asthma, more expensive utility bills, less pollution regulation, fewer experts driving smart policy decisions, and weaker democratic institutions. 

And when you think about who will be harmed most by these alarming policies, it will inevitably be low-income communities and communities of color. Culling critical air and water pollution standards is a direct attack on all of us, but it will disproportionately impact those who already face the greatest burdens and are far too often exploited by corporations and polluters. 


Let’s Build On, Not Bury, the Booming Clean Energy Economy

Ultimately, Project 2025’s primary victim is the American people. It takes a sword to the heart of what’s working best in our country and what we could benefit from in the future. We see this clearly in Energy Innovation’s jobs, GDP, and health projections. 

Since the IRA passed, investment in clean energy manufacturing has quadrupled (PDF), and clean energy investment has accounted for more than half of the total U.S. private investment growth. Under Trump’s Project 2025, we would tank these booming industries, leading to U.S. GDP plummeting $320 billion per year by 2030 and $150 billion per year by 2050, the loss of 1.7 million jobs in 2030, and 260,000 lost jobs in 2050. 

Doubling down on a path of fossil fuels will mean more expensive and polluting forms of electricity and transportation, resulting in a projected increase of 771,000 asthma attacks and 25,300 early deaths by 2050 and an additional $32 billion and $30 billion in household energy costs in 2030 and 2050, respectively. These numbers are so large that they border on difficult to comprehend, and yet, it’s a future all Americans would suffer from if Trump makes his way into office. 

Fortunately, we have a choice in how we write our history. And come November, we can vote for a future that works for everyone. 


We Can Still Build a Better, Healthier Future

Energy Innovation’s data not only charts two future trajectories; it underscores the progress our movement has made. It shows us our actionable, ambitious climate policies are working: The IRA, IIJA, and CHIPS Act have markedly improved our economy, creating over 334,000 clean energy jobs, more than $372 billion in new private investment, saved Americans $1 billion and counting in electric vehicle costs, and crucially, put our 2030 and 2050 climate targets within reach. 

© 2024 Andrew Hartnett/Evergreen Action

Now, by putting forth the policies advocated for in the Evergreen Action Plan 2.0, including setting a national clean energy standard (CES), improving methane pollution regulations, and accelerating toward zero-emission pollution standards, we can fully deliver on the climate, jobs, and justice agenda Americans deserve.

Even when you compare the “business as usual” track that builds on the tremendous climate progress the Biden-Harris administration achieved and the projections for a plan like the EAP 2.0, the difference is profoundly dramatic. It’s a proof point: Our policy roadmap worked once, and it can work once again.

By electing a Harris-Walz administration and advocating for the policies within the EAP 2.0, we can build a future that creates 3.9 million more jobs, delivers $39 billion more in household energy savings, protects 6,000 more lives, and grows our GDP by $770 million more in 2030 than a MAGA-led, Project 2025 alternative. It’s an opportunity we cannot afford to miss. 

The data is irrefutable: Project 2025 is a blueprint for disaster, and the Evergreen Action Plan 2.0 is a roadmap to a brighter future. This November, let's choose the path that prioritizes people and the planet. Our generation, and the ones that follow, will thank us. 


Take Action

Our best shot at a safer, healthier climate future is electing Vice President Harris and Governor Walz this November. Join fellow climate advocates from across the U.S. who are getting out the vote and ensuring that climate and communities win this election. 



Headshot of Medhini Kumar

Author - Medhini Kumar

Medhini is the writing/editing digital lead for Evergreen. Through powerful storytelling, she hopes to help move the needle on climate policy and contribute to our collective fight for a livable planet.

Headshot of Craig Segall

Editor - Craig Segall

Craig is vice president for Evergreen, supporting the team in developing egalitarian, pro-democracy climate policy. Craig was a senior California climate agency executive and lawyer when VP Harris was California’s Senator and AG, and saw her leadership first hand.