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We’re leading an all-out national mobilization to defeat the climate crisis.

Join our work today to help us build a thriving and just clean energy future. 

Kamala Harris Is the Climate Champion We Need

Vice President Harris has stood for climate justice her entire career. It’s time to defeat Donald Trump and make her president.

Vice President Kamala Harris with windmills behind her.

The Biden-Harris administration has accomplished more for our climate than any other in U.S. history. Now, President Biden has once again put the country first by ending his campaign for a second term and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris. Vice President Harris is now carrying the torch forward in the struggle to protect our democracy and secure a safe climate for our communities, our families, and our children. As the MAGA Republicans under Trump and Vance scheme to sell us all out to Big Oil, it is time to unite behind this climate champion.

Vice President Harris’s entire career has put her on the side of a thriving and safe future. She cast the deciding vote to pass the Inflation Reduction Act into law, unleashing billions of dollars in investments to bring innovative technologies to market, create hundreds of thousands of good quality jobs, and stabilize our climate. As the second-highest-ranking official in the country, she has been essential to the Biden-Harris administration’s ongoing work to turn those investments into positive change all across this country. Vice President Harris is ready to step into the role of President of the United States, in what will not only be a truly historic moment, but one of crucial importance. This election is the most important of our lifetime, presenting the last opportunity to prevent the worst of the worst of the climate crisis and instead fully secure US global leadership in a thriving, safer clean energy economy for us all.

Every step of Vice President Harris’s career has prepared her to seize this moment. Now, as we all come together to win the election in November, let’s look back at her extraordinary work.


As Vice President, Kamala Harris Drove Historic Climate Action

Not only did Vice President Harris play a critical role in enacting and implementing the IRA—her record is replete with examples of clear climate leadership. We pulled together the receipts—and will keep sharing her record in the months ahead. But just for starters:


1. Vice President Harris is a longstanding champion for climate action.

As the second-highest-ranking official in the most climate-accomplished administration of our country’s history, VP Harris has overseen the passage and implementation of the biggest climate implementation of historic climate action (including casting the deciding vote for the IRA). She has been a longstanding champion of ambition on this issue, making climate central to her work both nationally and globally. She would build on her accomplishments in this administration and accelerate action in the crucial years ahead.


2. Vice President Harris is a leading voice for environmental justice.

In her work to address the climate crisis, VP Harris has consistently showcased that climate action must be rooted in equity. Under her watch, the Biden-Harris administration established its historic Justice40 commitment to ensure federal funds reached underserved communities, established the first White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council, and put the full force of the federal government into cleaning up cumulative pollution and investing in communities.


3. Vice President Harris is a champion of high-quality and union jobs in the clean energy economy.

The Vice President and President Biden have been the most pro-union administration in our recent history, and Vice President Harris has not only worked from the White House to support workers—she has traveled the country championing clean energy jobs and investments, pushing forward projects, and standing up for unions.


4. Vice President Harris made sure our kids could benefit from climate investments.

Kids across the country are no longer stuck breathing diesel fumes. Vice President Harris announced a $1 billion investment to electrify old and polluting school buses, paired with even more investments in public buses and transit. The vice president has passionately championed cleaning up our transportation system, especially for our children.


5. Vice President Harris has driven climate action globally.

She announced billions in investments in the global Green Climate Fund, establishing a major effort to clean up the global economy. And she has been dedicated to ensuring that America supports those struggling with climate disasters, at home and abroad. In doing so, she has helped to ensure that American innovation can support nations around the world, as we all address the climate crisis and build a new economy.

As a Senator, Kamala Harris Was a Central Voice for Climate and Equity

Before serving as vice president, Kamala Harris was senator for America’s largest state, California, from 2017 until 2021. California is facing some of the country’s most daunting climate challenges—from wildfires wiping entire towns off the map, to mudslides costing families their homes and lives, to record-breaking drought threatening entire sectors of the economy.  Then-Senator Kamala Harris worked for her state, the climate, and her community to address these dire issues and advance solutions that would lift all boats. In the Senate, she secured a 90 percent lifetime rating from the League of Conservation Voters and quickly became a leading voice for climate action. She introduced the Climate Equity Act which became a model for the equity investments made by the Inflation Reduction Act. She also drove forward major legislation to clean up America’s school buses—which poison children with fossil fuel exhaust—that ultimately passed into law through the IRA.

Throughout her time in the Senate, Kamala Harris built a record of supporting climate ambition and linking that ambition directly to deep investments in communities and for workers that need them the most. She built on that record as vice president, working with her former Senate colleagues to enact the most ambitious climate legislation in U.S. history.


As Attorney General and District Attorney, Kamala Harris Stood up for Communities and Took on Big Oil

Before entering the Senate, as Attorney General (AG) of California, Kamala Harris made clear she was unafraid to take on Big Oil—even when she had to stand in Court against the federal government and big corporations. Perhaps most notably, she led a lawsuit to block dangerous fracking near the California coast that had been authorized under the Obama Administration—showing political and legal leadership to protect Americans by defending our climate. 

As AG, Kamala Harris went to court to force Chevron and BP to comply with the law and clean up the messes they’d left in communities. And when Big Oil tried to ship dangerous tar sands oil to a refinery that would pollute vulnerable communities—and endanger people all along the hundreds of miles of track the oil trains would cover—AG Harris went to court, and won, to support the people’s right to say no.

Indeed, Kamala Harris’s commitment to the people goes all the way back to her first public office—District Attorney—when she created one of the very first environmental justice legal units in any public law office. Vice President Harris has always been on the side of the climate and the people. 


It’s Time to Win This Election

The choice before us could not be starker. On one side, Donald Trump and JD Vance are Big Oil’s hand-picked candidates. They would tear apart this country to enact Project 2025’s fossil vision. On the other, Vice President Harris stands ready as a proven leader, whose entire career has been dedicated to public service and a safe climate. She is the right choice to build upon the extraordinary climate legacy of the Biden-Harris Administration and fully cement the thriving, inclusive clean energy economy we know is possible. 


Headshot of Craig Segall

Author - Craig Segall

Craig is vice president for Evergreen, supporting the team in developing egalitarian, pro-democracy climate policy. Craig was a senior California climate agency executive and lawyer when VP Harris was California’s Senator and AG, and saw her leadership first hand.

Headshot of Lena Moffitt

Author - Lena Moffitt

Lena is executive director for Evergreen.

Headshot of Medhini Kumar

Editor - Medhini Kumar

Medhini is the writing/editing digital lead for Evergreen. Through powerful storytelling, she hopes to help move the needle on climate policy and contribute to our collective fight for a livable planet.