NEW POLL: Pennsylvania Voters Strongly Support Significantly Increasing Clean Energy Use

Today, Evergreen Action, joined by PennEnvironment, Conservation Voters of PA, and Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance, released new polling from Global Strategy Group that shows a wide bipartisan majority of Pennsylvania voters support the increased usage of clean energy and believe its expansion will boost Pennsylvania’s economy and improve the reliability and affordability of energy in the state. 

The poll finds that an overwhelming 78 percent of Pennsylvania voters support significantly increasing the use of clean energy sources like wind and solar—including majorities of Democrats (93 percent), Independents (84 percent), and Republicans (59 percent). This broad support was found among voters across the state with strong majorities from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. Additionally, over 60 percent of voters believe scaling up clean energy will protect the health of future generations of Pennsylvanians and improve air and water quality in the Commonwealth. 

When asked about the increasing frequency of power outages across the state, voters were clear about whom and what they believed was responsible. When given six potential causes of power outages in Pennsylvania and asked to choose the two they blame the most, 47 percent of voters selected Pennsylvania’s outdated electric grid, followed by 38 percent who blamed the increased frequency of more severe storms and extreme weather events, and 29 percent who believed Pennsylvania’s utility companies are not doing enough to prepare for and respond to storms. 

Some key findings from the poll are below and the full results are available online here

Additional key findings

  • By a 49-23 percent margin, voters say increasing clean energy usage will positively impact Pennsylvania’s economy;
  • By a 47-21 percent margin, voters say the reliability of Pennsylvania’s electricity will be improved by scaling up clean energy; and
  • By a 46-25 percent margin, voters say electricity will be more affordable for households with increased clean energy usage.


“Across the political spectrum, Pennsylvania voters overwhelmingly want to see the state SIGNIFICANTLY expand the use of clean energy," said Andrew Baumann, Partner at Global Strategy Group. "Despite the efforts of opponents, voters believe that expanding clean energy will have a positive impact on the state’s economy and on the cost and reliability of electricity in the state.”

“Pennsylvanians want and are ready for an updated, clean energy electricity grid that will help the Commonwealth’s economy continue to grow. Regardless of zip code or political affiliation, Pennsylvania voters know that clean energy is key to protecting the health and safety of their families, future generations, and the air and water they breathe,” said Julia Kortrey, Evergreen Action deputy state policy director. “With increasingly frequent power outages and extreme weather events like Winter Storm Elliot, the holes of the current electricity grid have been exposed and magnified—and Pennsylvania voters have taken note. Pennsylvanians deserve clean, affordable, and reliable energy. Scaling up clean energy is how to get there.”  

"It's exciting to see public opinion that supports a broad approach that robustly includes clean energy—something our business members deliver every day,” said Jeaneen Zappa, The Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance executive director. “Our outdated grid and the PJM logjam in adding renewable energy projects increases the risk of outages and utility rate increases. We have newer, more efficient technologies way beyond the baseline that was developed nearly a century ago, so let's get smarter—and get to using them."

"This new polling makes it perfectly clear: it doesn't matter if you're a Democrat, Republican or Independent--Pennsylvanians from all walks of life overwhelmingly support policies to promote renewable energy in the Keystone State," said Flora Cardoni, Deputy Director with PennEnvironment. "This should give decision-makers at the local, state, and national level the confidence to embrace clean energy in the Commonwealth.”

“The results are in: Clean energy is a winning issue in Pennsylvania. Voters across the Keystone state recognize that expanding clean energy usage is crucial for the future of our economy, health, and environment,” said Katie Blume, Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania political and legislative director. “By supercharging our usage of clean energy, we can finally modernize Pennsylvania’s power grid—all while lowering energy costs and improving reliability for ratepayers.”

Global Strategy Group conducted a survey of 800 registered voters in Pennsylvania between June 10 and 17, 2024. The survey has a margin of error of +/- 3.5 percent. Of the 800 interviews, half were conducted by telephone or a text invitation to participate in an online survey; the other half were conducted via web-based panel with participants matched to the voter file. Care has been taken to ensure the geographic, political, and demographic divisions of the population of registered voters are properly represented.