New Ad Highlights Energy Cost Savings From Clean Energy Legislation in Michigan

Evergreen Action launches six-figure multimedia buy in local Michigan markets

Today, Evergreen Action launched a new ad highlighting how a strong climate package that includes a meaningful 100 percent clean energy standard would save Michigan families $5.5 billion in household energy costs. The six-figure multimedia buy comes during a broad coalition effort to get strong clean energy and climate bills passed this fall session. The Clean Energy Future Package bills, SB271 and SB273, were both heard in a Senate hearing this week.

“By passing a 100 percent clean energy standard this year, the governor and the Legislature can help every household in the state save an average of $145 a year in energy costs,” said Courtney Bourgoin, Evergreen Action Midwest senior policy and advocacy manager. “Governor Whitmer is fighting to pass strong clean energy legislation because she knows it will put money directly back into Michiganders’ pockets. People across the state know it’s time to pass this legislation and take advantage of the historic federal funding available to make Michigan a national leader in the clean energy economy. Let’s get it done.”


We must face climate change head on and grow our economy. 

A 100 percent clean energy standard would save Michigan families 5.5 billion dollars in household energy costs. Let’s get it done.

Watch the ad here

Earlier this year, Evergreen Action and the Michigan Energy Innovation Business Council unveiled a report from 5 Lakes Energy that first released these findings. In addition to the household energy cost savings, the modeling found that by passing a 100 percent clean energy standard and other climate policies this year, the state could spur the creation of nearly 160,000 new jobs and secure $7.8 billion more in federal investment by 2050.