Evergreen Statement on FERC Nominations Committee Vote

In response to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee vote to advance the nominations of David Rosner, Judy Chang, and Lindsay See to serve as commissioners on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Evergreen Action Campaigns Director Dani Hupper released the following statement:

“Today, the Senate Energy Committee took a vital step to secure a quorum at FERC so the agency can continue the important business of ensuring a reliable grid. With less than a month until Commissioner Allison Clements’ term expires and no margin on the current commission to maintain a quorum, it’s imperative that Majority Leader Schumer schedules a floor vote on this slate of nominees as soon as possible.

“A fully seated FERC can and must build on the promise of Orders 1920 and 2023 and address the major remaining bottleneck to bringing much-needed, low-cost power online: a lack of interregional transmission. To maintain and improve grid reliability, the commission must act quickly to reform interregional transmission planning and require minimum transfer capability between grid regions. This little-known agency has tremendous power to tackle the challenges presented by increased electricity demand and set our grid up for success in the clean energy transition, but it needs to be fully staffed and operational to do this urgent work. The full Senate should vote to ensure a quorum at FERC and confirm this slate without delay.”

For more information on FERC’s role in the clean energy transition, read more here.