Evergreen Statement in Response to Speaker Johnson’s Threat to Unwind IRA Energy Provisions

In response to House Speaker Mike Johnson’s threat to “unwind” popular Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) energy provisions, Evergreen Action Executive Director Lena Moffitt released the following statement:

“Speaker Mike Johnson’s pledge to gut popular investments in our clean energy future if Republicans take control of Congress shows that he’s willing to throw even members of his own caucus under the bus to do Donald Trump’s bidding. A growing chorus in Johnson’s own party have been sounding the alarm that gutting the IRA would be politically unpopular, stripping away thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in investments that are already transforming their districts. And yet, Speaker Johnson is hell-bent on dragging us back to Trump’s disastrous energy policies that will cost Americans nearly 2 million jobs and more than $30 billion in energy costs while putting countless lives at risk from the worsening impacts of climate change. This isn’t leadership—it’s a dangerous betrayal of the American people to serve the narrow interests of Big Oil and Donald Trump.”

Last month, Evergreen wrote about new nonpartisan modeling from Energy Innovation revealing the project impacts of recently adopted policies, including the IRA, compared to Project 2025 extremists’ plan to dismantle the climate law and drag us decades backward. You can read more here.
