EPA Approves CA Vehicle Waiver In a Move That Will Help Protect Frontline Communities

In response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) approval of California’s vehicle waiver for the Advanced Clean Trucks rule, Evergreen Action Transportation Sector Policy Lead Rachel Patterson released the following statement:

“We’re so delighted to see EPA approve California’s Advanced Clean Truck vehicle waiver in a move that will protect people and save lives. The transportation sector spews mass amounts of toxic pollution into underserved and unprotected communities. It’s about time that EPA allows California to take the lead in cleaning up our roadways with clean vehicle standards that will go further than EPA’s own standard to safeguard and protect the health of people and the planet. EPA’s approval of California’s Advanced Clean Trucks rule is a tell-all sign of courage in the face of the fossil fuel industry, and it will protect hundreds of thousands of lives—namely those in Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities. The impacts of this decision will reach beyond California, as other states joined in signing onto this waiver, and even more are contemplating doing the same. This was a moment for EPA to reject the poisonous status quo of Big Oil and prioritize environmental justice for all—and they delivered.”
