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We’re leading an all-out national mobilization to defeat the climate crisis.

Join our work today to help us build a thriving and just clean energy future. 

Schumer Vowed to Make Climate a Priority. This Is His Chance.

The House passed $555 billion of bold climate investments nearly four months ago. There’s no reason this package should still be stalled in the Senate.

A close up shot of Chuck Schumer speaking

To get a historic climate package through a razor-thin Congress, we need three things: House passage of climate investments, a President ready to sign a climate bill, and a Senate Majority Leader committed to climate action.

How’s this for a hat trick? The House has already passed $555 billion of climate investments. President Biden called for a climate bill during his State of the Union address. That leaves Majority Leader Schumer, who has the power to bring it to a vote in the Senate and vowed to make climate action a priority.

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This is the moment—Senator Schumer must get this done NOW. Sign your name calling on Schumer to fulfill his climate promises and pass critical climate investments ASAP.

Around the world, the urgent need to transition to clean energy has never been more clear. Clean energy investments are the best way to weaken Vladimir Putin’s grip on the global energy market. We must declare independence from fossil fuels and the fascists they empower—and right now, the U.S. has the chance to lead the way.

The House passed $555 billion of bold climate investments nearly four months ago. There’s no reason this package should still be stalled in the Senate—especially now that all 50 Senate Democrats are ready to negotiate a major climate investment bill.

Leader Schumer must rise to the moment and fulfill his promises. Voice your support today.

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